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读 码 框 架的英文

"读 码 框 架"怎么读


  • reading frame
  • "读"英文翻译    read aloud
  • "码"英文翻译    a sign or object indicating ...
  • "框"英文翻译    frame; case
  • "架"英文翻译    frame; rack; shelf; stand
  • "框,架,绘图架" 英文翻译 :    easel
  • "框,架,机架,底板" 英文翻译 :    bay
  • "读" 英文翻译 :    读名词(语句中的停顿) a slight pause in reading
  • "框" 英文翻译 :    框名词(框架; 框子) frame; case 窗框 window frame [case]; 画框 picture frame; 眼镜框儿 rims (of spectacles); 桌上的银框中有一张她儿子的相片。 in a silver frame on the table there is a photograph of her son.
  • "架" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(用来放置东西或支撑物体等的东西; 架子) frame; rack; shelf; stand 车架 frame (of a car, bicycle, etc.); 房架 the frame of a house; 钢架桥 steel-framed bridge; 工具架 tool rack; 黄瓜架 cucumber trellis; 篮球架 basketball stand; 书架 bookshelf; 行李架 luggage-rack;衣架儿 clothes hanger; 衣帽架 clothes tree2.(殴打; 争吵) fight; quarrel 打架 come to blows; fight; scuffle; 劝架 step in and patch up a quarrel; mediate between quarrelling parties; 这两个男孩吵了架。 the two boys had a fight.Ⅱ动词1.(支撑; 支起)put up; erect 架电话线 set up telephone lines; 架起机枪 mount a machine gun; 架枪 stack rifles; 架桥 build [put up] a bridge; 他们在屋顶上架起了电视天线。they erected a television antenna on the roof.2.(承受; 抵挡) fend off; ward off; withstand 他一刀砍来, 我拿枪架住。i fended off his sword thrust with my spear.3.(扶持; 搀扶) support; prop; help 架着拐走 walk on crutches; 架着伤员走路 help a wounded soldier to walk; 他扭了脚脖子, 我们只得把他架回去。 he sprained his ankle and had to be helped home.4.(绑架) kidnap;take sb. away forcibly 强行架走 carry sb. away by force; kidnapⅢ量词1.(用于有支柱的或有机械的东西) 两架照相机 two cameras; 三架电风扇 three electric fans; 五架飞机 five planes2.[方言] (用于山) 这条路翻越一架陡峭的高山。the road passes over a steep mountain
  • "码" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词(表示数目的符号或用具) a sign or object indicating number; code 数码 numeral; number; amount; 价码 marked price; 砝码 weightⅡ量词1.(指一件事或一类的事) 一码事 the same thing; 两码事 two different things2.(英美制长度单位) yard (yd.)Ⅲ动词[口语] (堆叠) pile up ; stack 码起石头 pile up stones
  • "读,阅读" 英文翻译 :    peruse
  • "读,看" 英文翻译 :    read--reads
  • "读;朗读" 英文翻译 :    read
  • "跟……读" 英文翻译 :    read after
  • "阅读;读" 英文翻译 :    read
  • "caat框" 英文翻译 :    caat box
  • "cta框" 英文翻译 :    cat box
  • "tata框" 英文翻译 :    tata box
  • "arm架" 英文翻译 :    arm architecture
  • "架, 棚" 英文翻译 :    snelf
  • "架,支架" 英文翻译 :    ledge
  • "架;震动" 英文翻译 :    racking
  • "托架,架" 英文翻译 :    bracket
  • "an码" 英文翻译 :    an code
  • "bcd码" 英文翻译 :    binary-coded decimal
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